Charlotte Ovesson
Jämlikhetsexpert och beteendevetare
Charlotte Ovesson: equality expert and behavioural scientist
I’m passionate about NGOs and popular education. For more than 10 years I have been actively engaged in several different membership organisations. I lead workshops on member recruitment and how to make membership organisations inclusive and accessible. I have also been working with workshops, coaching of project groups and equality analysis as a subcontractor to Medida.
Something else that I’m really passionate about is statistics. Statistics is an incredibly powerful tool, and it’s completely necessary in equality work. It’s common that people experience statistics as difficult, boring, and ”not for me”. I find methods to communicate and educate about statistics in a way that is easily accessible, with the aim to teach more people methods to question the statistics they encounter.
For me, Equality Journey is a tool for change. The will to make a change isn’t enough. You also need tools to be able to develop that will into a strategy that can be used. The biggest strength of Equality Journey is that it can be used by everyone. Equality issues affect all of us, and because of that it’s important that everyone gets the opportunity to work with them in a way that makes sense to them, no matter their position in the organisation. Those who work in the organisation are the ones who are experts on how it functions. To make equality work relevant, we need to use this expert knowledge.
I guide Equality Journeys in Swedish and English, mainly for NGOs, but also in private and public sector.
Charlotte Ovesson
Jag brinner för folkbildning och föreningsliv. Sedan mer än 10 år tillbaka har jag engagerat mig ideellt i en rad olika föreningar och sammanhang. Jag har arbetat med workshops och handledning av projektgrupper som underkonsult till Medida.
Något annat som jag brinner för är statistik. Statistik är ett oerhört kraftfullt och alldeles nödvändigtvis redskap i jämlikhetsarbetet. Det är vanligt att människor upplever statistik som svårt, obekvämt och skrämmande. Jag arbetar för att kommunicera och utbilda om statistik på ett lättillgängligt sätt så att fler människor kan lära sig att ta del av och tänka kritiskt kring statistik.
För mig är Jämlikhetsresan ett verktyg för förändring. Att vilja genomföra en förändring är inte tillräckligt. Det behövs verktyg för att ur denna vilja utveckla något som fungerar i praktiken. Jämlikhetsresans främsta styrka är att verktyget kan göras tillgängligt gör alla. Jämlikhetsfrågor berör alla, och därför är det viktigt att alla får möjligheten att arbeta med dem, oavsett vilken nivå i organisationen de befinner sig på. Det är de som arbetar i en organisation som är experter på hur den fungerar. Om jämliksarbetet ska bli relevant måste denna expertkunskap användas och tas till vara.
Jag utbildar på svenska och engelska, främst inom civilsamhället, men även inom offentlig och privat sektor.
Charlotte Ovesson: equality expert and behavioural scientist
I’m passionate about NGOs and popular education. For more than 10 years I have been actively engaged in several different membership organisations. I lead workshops on member recruitment and how to make membership organisations inclusive and accessible. I have also been working with workshops, coaching of project groups and equality analysis as a subcontractor to Medida.
Something else that I’m really passionate about is statistics. Statistics is an incredibly powerful tool, and it’s completely necessary in equality work. It’s common that people experience statistics as difficult, boring, and ”not for me”. I find methods to communicate and educate about statistics in a way that is easily accessible, with the aim to teach more people methods to question the statistics they encounter.
For me, Equality Journey is a tool for change. The will to make a change isn’t enough. You also need tools to be able to develop that will into a strategy that can be used. The biggest strength of Equality Journey is that it can be used by everyone. Equality issues affect all of us, and because of that it’s important that everyone gets the opportunity to work with them in a way that makes sense to them, no matter their position in the organisation. Those who work in the organisation are the ones who are experts on how it functions. To make equality work relevant, we need to use this expert knowledge.
I guide Equality Journeys in Swedish and English, mainly for NGOs, but also in private and public sector.
Charlotte Ovesson: equality expert and behavioural scientist
I’m passionate about NGOs and popular education. For more than 10 years I have been actively engaged in several different membership organisations. I lead workshops on member recruitment and how to make membership organisations inclusive and accessible. I have also been working with workshops, coaching of project groups and equality analysis as a subcontractor to Medida.
Something else that I’m really passionate about is statistics. Statistics is an incredibly powerful tool, and it’s completely necessary in equality work. It’s common that people experience statistics as difficult, boring, and ”not for me”. I find methods to communicate and educate about statistics in a way that is easily accessible, with the aim to teach more people methods to question the statistics they encounter.
For me, Equality Journey is a tool for change. The will to make a change isn’t enough. You also need tools to be able to develop that will into a strategy that can be used. The biggest strength of Equality Journey is that it can be used by everyone. Equality issues affect all of us, and because of that it’s important that everyone gets the opportunity to work with them in a way that makes sense to them, no matter their position in the organisation. Those who work in the organisation are the ones who are experts on how it functions. To make equality work relevant, we need to use this expert knowledge.
I guide Equality Journeys in Swedish and English, mainly for NGOs, but also in private and public sector.